Marketing Advertising Promotions, Inc. Serialization Capabilities


Must comply with U.S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) requirements, both current and future

Need to facilitate secure product track and trace through the supply chain, from unit of sale, to each case, through to pallet and fulfillment

Important to implement a comprehensive protocol, collaborating with our production and distribution network partners

Optimal data organization and controls are needed for full traceability to assure quality product stewardship



DSCSA identifies serialization as one of the vital components necessary to combat product diversion

The serialization process begins with each individual unit of sale package, followed by case assembly and palletization, with complete print/verification/data capture measures for each step, meeting the DSCSA requirements

M.A.P. partners with you to provide the level of serialization capabilities you need to comply with the regulations

Product authenticity is assured using 2D barcode technology and data management software, for secure packaging practices that support full traceability.


M.A.P. completes an FDA Audit & Site Review